Compassionate Communication Intensive 


Deepening Clarity, Safety, and Connection 

With Marya Stark and Rev. Fa Jun

Three Thursday Nights
Dec 7, 14, 21
6-7:30 pm PST

It's time to have more than just two bad options when it comes to deep communication...

The default for most human brains educated in our current culture is to shut down or lash out when things get intense. We've been accustomed to a win-or-lose philosophy about relationships, as if there were only so much validity to go around. This isn't sustainable. 

The paradigm of compassionate communication is one of win-win. 

We can let go of the tired old game of "who's right?" and get down to the more important business of making life wonderful together!

How do we do it? 

First, by recognizing these differing models of what makes relationship work, and choosing connection over battle. 

Second, we train is a series of time-proven techniques that allow us to hear one another more deeply than ever before.

Celebrate the possibility of laying down our arms AND getting our needs met, together.


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“What I want in my life is compassion, a flow between myself and others based on a mutual giving from the heart.”
― Marshall B. Rosenberg

Class One - Fundamentals

In this first session we dive deep into what makes healthy communication work, and what makes it break down. 

We'll study the science of empathy as the base upon which to build all other techniques, and learn powerful methods to instantly generate empathy for self or another.

From this foundation, we'll learn the first step of the Non-Violent Communication model, distinguishing Observations from Evaluations, and jump right to an advanced practice that allows you to cut through many of the obstacles people face when trying to apply NVC to their lives and relationships!

Class Two - Loading Communication 2.0

In this class we get into the riches of the compassionate communication model by experiencing its deep heart: Developing a Lexicon of Feelings and Needs.  

We'll discover how coming from the motivation of "sharing from the heart" rather than "who's right?!" allows us to be with the wide range of our human experience in a more vulnerable and open way than ever before.

We'll integrate our lessons from class one, adding this detailed understanding of our inner life to our advanced practice of empathy for self and other.

Class Three - Compassionate Conflict

The first two classes form the foundation in empathy for self and other that we need when it comes to conflict.  By stabilizing in this new paradigm of "sharing from the heart", and practicing the skills of empathy for self and other, we now have the capacity to engage in diversity and disagreement without lapsing into silence or violence.

In this final session we'll cover Boundaries with Compassion, and the final step in the classic NVC model - how to make requests.  We'll also explore a nonviolent approach to consequences when our boundaries are violated.  We'll even dip our toes into the philosophy of protective use of force vs punitive, and restorative justice vs retributive.

Join this 3 Thursday Evening Intensive
facilitated by Rev. Fa Jun and Marya Stark 

When: Dec 7, 14, 21 (6pm pst)

Where: Anywhere you are! Online via Zoom - (recordings available if you can't make it live!)

Who: Everyone ready to upgrade their communication and relate from a deeper place of empathy and clarity.

Tuition: $108 per person or $160 per couple

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About your instructors

Rev. Fa Jun is a 30 year practitioner of inner yogas.  He was ordained in 2008 by his heart-teacher Dashi Steven Baugh into the Lohan Order.  He is a master of medical qigong, certified as Sifu in Shaolin Kungfu, Taijiquan, and Baguazhang, a yoga teacher, bodyworker, and minister.  Fa Jun received initiation into Daoist sexual practices over 25 years ago, and has continued to refine his understanding ever since, through study and practice.

Marya Stark has been an expressive arts alchemist for two decades.  A devotee of the sacred muse, Marya has served as a music therapist for many years while performing and recording a bardic library of evocative song.  Marya holds space each year in her Voice of My Womb training for women to learn the secret rhythms of their sacred bodies, and how to become ever more a vessel for the muse-whispers that call to each of us. 

These beloveds combine their realms of expertise in inner work, energetic cultivation, and transformational coaching to teach as a harmonious union - sharing key insights they've picked up on the path of long-term loving and inner alchemy.


“People who are skilled at dialogue do their best to make it safe for everyone to add their meaning to the shared pool--even ideas that at first glance appear controversial, wrong, or at odds with their own beliefs. Now, obviously they don't agree with every idea; they simply do their best to ensure that all ideas find their way into the open.”
― Kerry Patterson

"Throughout my life, I have the honor to work with a wide variety of teachers.  I would like to take this opportunity to give my strongest possible endorsement to Fa Jun and Marya.  They are both brilliant teachers and wonderful human beings.  It is a joy to witness how much fun they have holding space while demonstrating the knowledge and care they put into relating.

I have worked with hundreds of people in relationships over the years, and these two are one of my absolute favorite couples."

- Scott Catamas 

Founder of Love Coach Academy

Give yourself and the world the gift of
Compassionate Communication

Imagine what the world will look like when more and more people take up
Sharing From the Heart as their default stance in relationship? It starts right in your own heart and home.

By studying these tools we uplevel our most important relationship -
the one with our own self - this ripples out to bless those closest to us.

It's a great deal, you get more happiness and connection, and become part of the wave of transformation that puts more options on the table for stewarding the world we all share.

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